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Marketing Monday: Measuring the Effectiveness of Your International Student Marketing Campaigns

Published Lynne on Monday, November 27, 2023 9:00 AM

Marketing Monday: Measuring the Effectiveness of Your International Student Marketing Campaigns

Understanding the impact of your digital marketing campaigns is not just a necessity; it’s an integral part of your growth strategy. For schools, agents, and partners, the difference between a good and a great international student recruitment plan often lies in the ability to measure its effectiveness accurately. In this blog post, we focus on the main metrics you should be tracking.

Enrollment rates

The rate at which students enroll in your institution lies at the heart of your campaign’s success. It's the definitive metric that reflects how many prospects have been converted into leads. Go about this by tracking enrollment trends before and after specific campaigns to understand their direct impact.

Website traffic

Your website is like your digital front door, and the volume and behaviour of visitors can tell you a lot about the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor unique visits, session duration, and bounce rates. An increase in international traffic following a campaign indicates heightened interest.

Engagement metrics

When sharing content across your business’ social media platforms (and if you’re not, you should be!) make sure to monitor engagement data. Looking at likes and shares is important, but also focus on conversion actions, such as clicks leading to application forms or informational material requests. These engagement rates can forecast future enrollment trends.

Cost per acquisition

Understanding your cost per acquisition (CPA) is crucial to analyse your return on investment (ROI). This figure helps you evaluate the financial efficiency of your campaigns by comparing the total marketing spend against the number of students acquired.

By closely monitoring all of these key metrics, educational institutions can not only gauge the immediate success of their campaigns but also refine their approach for future marketing efforts. 

Written by Stephanie Clark

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